Monday, December 15, 2008

The Basement

We used the basement quite a bit. The basement is basically divided into four spaces.

We used one room as our family room/TV room. Here it is--I particularly like the brick wall; I think it adds a lot of character.

We used the room right next to it as a playroom for the kids. With hardwood in the rest of the house, it was nice to have a carpeted area for them to play, especially when they were crawling (and particularly when *I* was getting down on the floor with them).

This room leads back to a small area where there is a large closet (under the staircase) and a built-in bookshelf. Beyond that area is the laundry room.

I don't have any pictures of the laundry/furnace room but, you know, you can imagine. The floor and walls are concrete. The washer and dryer are in good condition, and stay. There is a little room for storage--my husband kept tools there. The water softener is owned and lives there. And we mounted a very stylish, and very useful, stainless steel shelf on the wall to hold laundry products.
As our family expanded, we used the last room in the basement as a guest room (although it served a better purpose, I think, as a game room for the previous owners). The floor is a nice tile (I'm not sure what it's called), and it has really nice track lighting and a recessed area that we used as a little closet.
(Forgive the clutter--these pictures were taken as we were in the process of moving out).

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Dining Room

The dining room, viewed from the living room.

We enjoy the bar between the kitchen and dining room.

The dining room viewed from the kitchen.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Living Room

This is the view from the front door, looking into the living room. We use a large bookshelf to sort of divide the room into a sitting area and a play area for our children. In the back of the room are two closets--the one on the left is a coat closet; the one on the right has a shelving unit installed in it).

This was taken from the middle of the living room, looking toward the front of the house.

And another view of the living room, from the front of the house, looking toward the back. To the far left you can just barely see the staircase.

The front door, from the living room.